Hi Luo,
Glad to hear that you found my piece useful. Thank you very much!
Regarding the first figure, it is created via a 3D surface generation routine. Here I've attached the code snippet. It's in Matlab, so I didn't put it in the notebook. Hope it can be helpful :)
% MATLAB code
N = [200 200]; % size in pixels of image
F = 4; % frequency-filter width
[X,Y] = ndgrid(1:N(1),1:N(2));
i = min(X-1,N(1)-X+1);
j = min(Y-1,N(2)-Y+1);
H = exp(-.5*(i.^2+j.^2)/F^2);
Z = real(ifft2(H.*fft2(randn(N))));
axis off